Thursday, January 26, 2012


first skali...ya tuhan! hentikanlah kemalasan aku nih...! y'know what...actuallly kalau boleh, mmg everyday aku post blog but my tahap kemalasan mcm kucing bunting, makan tido makan tido dan tido je keje...when eyes open, otak seriously lembab nak mampos.. mcm xde engine dlm otak aku ni..everything yg aku buat semua dlm slow motion n take a long time to settle it..gosh! what happen to me??? ingat bila 'percutian' di bulan Januari ni bagi aku semangat for doing something yg mmg susah nak buat bila time keja..tapi keja aku tido je memanjang!! Bila online, dah rajin pulak monitor shopping..belinye tidak, last2 keje apa pun x buat. January totally sucks, I'm suffering a severe case of New Year Boredom. wat da hell!! Sayang, if you read this...help me!! keep me busy n sane..thats all I want..tapi bila fikirkan balik, nak jaga anak buah lagi, itu pun dah kira keje..keje yg menyampah..that's insane! xleh nak buat apa..juz tengok apa yg diorg buat n bagi susu kalau diorg wat hal sampai makbapak budak ni balik dari keja...itu dapat penat n sakit hati je..kepuasan bekerja? nahh~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Oh goshh~! after 10 years LOTR has been released, now it back - with prequel, The Hobbit!!! woot woo0T~!!! tak sangka lama giler...ingat masa first LOTR kuar, time tu tak tahu citer apa, just gi TGV KLCC n classmates seramai 20 - 30 org (lupa lak..time skolah uolss..gigih kuar ramai2..huhu) n bergaduh nak tgk citer apa. Time tu aku leh lak gaduh nak tgk kabhi kushi kabhi gham..hahaha!! I gila hindustan dulu tau!! Pastu gi check tiket, seat yg byk kosong was that movie - LOTR!! my kabhi kabhi x cukup seat...haih~ BUT! itulah permulaan for me to jatuh cinta with this trilogy. wheee..! Now, prequel has been done n I can't wait for this end of the year..harap2 tak kiamat~!!! Sayang giler tak dapat tgk part 2 nanti on 2013...huhuu~ Sape2 yg tak pernah tgk or tak minat LOTR or epic movie..try untuk minat okies...coz mmg tak rugi tengok kalau dunia ni nak kiamat skali pun...such a masterpiece. Everything just perfect - actors, probs, set, costumes, music, cinematographic...you name it...wonderful gua cakap lu!!! It's a movie beyond our imagination n Peter Jackson has done such an amazing job. Well deserved.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

optimistic or pessimistic?

Alhamdulillah...finally I'm here back, as a blogger, as a person who've got a lot of the untold story to be tell.. Actually, still, I don't have courageousness to write everything about my personal life after everything 'happens' in 2011. But, it's ok as long as I'm telling the GAY parts (means CERIA tau! bukan citer x senonoh seperti "saya gay, saya ok"..check dictionary tuh!..hoh0!) in my life..plus entertainment news!! itu wajib!! taklah bosan citer kisah aku jer...sangat! :)
As starter, Happy New Year 2012 to all my friends! because of y'all guys, ada la semangat nak taip blog I yg tak seberapa nilainye...(baru check nuffnang I..x sampai rm10..sedeyh..). But it's ok as long as you enjoy my blog (thanks to kim kardashian yg tolong naik rating blog I..huhu..) and pleaseee! give me a feedback if you have any suggestion or idea to improve my blog...I'm out-of-date right now..hopefully can be better like my sis..Perez Hilton~!!! :p